Famous Activites in India


Thallapalle, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India


The Ethipothala falls derives its name from two words - "eththi" and "potha". In Telugu language, it means to "lift and pour". Ethipothala Waterfalls are striking falls on River Chandravanka (a tributary of River Krishna), towards the down flow of Nagarjuna Sagar Dam. Ethipothala is a famous Waterfall formed by the mountain streams which falls from a height of approximately 70 Feet into a lagoon. Three streams namely Nakka Vagu, Tummala Vagu and Chandravanka Vagu combine to form this waterfall. The name Ethipothala has been derived from the Sanskrit word 'Etitaposthal' meaning the place for penance. It is believed that saints have performed rigorous penance at this place. The caves nearby also attest their presence at this place.

Interesting Facts

  • There are two temples at the foot of the waterfall, dedicated to Ranganadha Swami and Dattatreya Swami.

Suggested time duration

4 Hours

Crowded Period


Best Season To Visit

September to December

Do's & Dont's

  • If you don’t know swimming stay away from pools which are too deep.
  • Dispose all empty bottles, tins, plastic bags etc only in dustbins.
  • Do not use detergent, in streams or springs while washing and bathing.
  • Do not leave cigarettes butts or make open fires in the forests. 
  • Do not blare music aloud while passing through the forest areas.


Curabitur tempus quam id neque placerat ultricies. Duis ligula elit, faucibus ac diam nec, tristique scelerisque metus. Donec condimentum nunc nec suscipit blandit. Vivamus nulla nunc, sodales non risus sed, vehicula commodo velit. Praesent quis ipsum sed massa commodo gravida et sit amet quam. Curabitur tempus quam id neque placerat ultricies. Duis ligula elit, faucibus ac diam nec, tristique scelerisque metus. Donec condimentum nunc nec suscipit blandit. Vivamus nulla nunc, sodales non risus sed, vehicula commodo velit. Praesent quis ipsum sed massa commodo gravida et sit amet quam. Curabitur tempus quam id neque placerat ultricies. Duis ligula elit, faucibus ac diam nec, tristique scelerisque metus. Donec condimentum nunc nec suscipit blandit. Vivamus nulla nunc, sodales non risus sed, vehicula commodo velit. Praesent quis ipsum sed massa commodo gravida et sit amet quam.


Day Start Time End Time Adult Entry Fee Child Entry Fee
All Days
06:00 AM 06:00 PM

Transport Connections

Name Distance Contact Number
Macherla RTC Bus Station
14.5 KM 0866-257-0005
Macherla Railway Station
14.6 KM 139
Rajiv Gandhi International Airport
156 KM 040-66546370

What to Carry

Carry water bottle & food

Suitable For

Adults Elderly Children


Toilets Restaurants Lockers First Aid


Parking is available for 10 Cars

Nearest Town

Town Name Distance
Nagarjuna Sagar 15

Nearest Temples

 Chejarla, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India

The temple at Chejarla was built during fourth and 5th century A.D.

Distance: 69 KM

Nearest Attractions

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Ethipothala Waterfalls, Thallapalle, Andhra Pradesh

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