Famous Activites in India


Gullalamoda, Krishna, Andhra Pradesh, India


The sanctuary is a part of the mangrove wetland in Andhra Pradesh and is located in the coastal plain of Krishna delta, spread across Krishna and Guntur districts of Andhra Pradesh. The estuary of the Krishna River passes through the sanctuary.

Interesting Facts

  • It is believed that this region potentially holds one of the most significant populations of Fishing Cats in the World.

Suggested time duration

5 Hours

Crowded Period

November to February

Best Season To Visit

October to March

Do's & Dont's

  • Do enjoy the vast collection of Animals, Trees and Plants of the Sanctuary.
  • You are in Sanctuary to see animals and enjoy their behavior. Please do not tease them.
  • Do not play any audio-system or musical instrument inside the Sanctuary.


Curabitur tempus quam id neque placerat ultricies. Duis ligula elit, faucibus ac diam nec, tristique scelerisque metus. Donec condimentum nunc nec suscipit blandit. Vivamus nulla nunc, sodales non risus sed, vehicula commodo velit. Praesent quis ipsum sed massa commodo gravida et sit amet quam. Curabitur tempus quam id neque placerat ultricies. Duis ligula elit, faucibus ac diam nec, tristique scelerisque metus. Donec condimentum nunc nec suscipit blandit. Vivamus nulla nunc, sodales non risus sed, vehicula commodo velit. Praesent quis ipsum sed massa commodo gravida et sit amet quam. Curabitur tempus quam id neque placerat ultricies. Duis ligula elit, faucibus ac diam nec, tristique scelerisque metus. Donec condimentum nunc nec suscipit blandit. Vivamus nulla nunc, sodales non risus sed, vehicula commodo velit. Praesent quis ipsum sed massa commodo gravida et sit amet quam.


Day Start Time End Time Adult Entry Fee Child Entry Fee
All Days
09:00 AM 06:00 PM Free Free

Transport Connections

Name Distance Contact Number
Repalle Bus Station
38.6 KM 0866-257-0005
Repalle Railway Station
38.5 KM 139
Vijayawada International Airport
92.6 KM 08662846729

What to Carry

A medium sized back pack to carry food, camera, water bottle.

Suitable For

Adults Elderly Children Infants


Toilets First Aid


Parking is available for 15 Cars

Nearest Town

Town Name Distance
Sorlagondi 11.4 KM

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 Srikakulam Village, Ghantasala, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India

It is 57th among the 108 divya desams of Lord Vishnu

Distance: 50 km

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Krishna Wildlife Sanctuary, Andhra Pradesh, India

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